Interview with THESE STREETS to „Unfinished Business“


Interview with Cameron of THESE STREETS to their new full-length UNFINISHED BUSINESS which will be released in August via Beatdown Hardwear.

AFL: Hey, how are you? Could you please introduce THESE STREETS to everybody who doesn’t know you so far? Have you played in other bands before or have you other bands besides THESE STREETS?

Yo whats up Simon! I play in a band called These Streets and was just a bunch of chill dudes from Northern California who like to rock the fuck out. I personally have played in Lionheart, Your Own Destroyer and I have another band called Swing First.

AFL: You will release your new full-length UNFINISHED BUSINESS on 11th August. Can you introduce us the album briefly? Who recorded it, how was the writing process, how came it that you will release it through BDHW and so on

These Streets – Unfinished Business

Well we tracked the record over two weeks with Cody Fuentes at Rapture Recordings in Hayward. The writing process was fairly simple just a lot of getting together and laying stuff down on my MacBook. Then we just went in and did the damn thing. Toni and I started talking about doing a TS record back in December and in January he hit us with an offer and we were very excited to land BDHW as it’s a great label, He did an amazing job with the last LH record I was a part of and he’s a huge part of the European HC scene.

AFL: You hardcore sound has to me a strong metal and rap influence. How came the style of music you play? Can you name us some bands influences THESE STREETS?

Thats super dope of you to mention that. We honestly don’t listen to too much hardcore, I listen to a lot of rap and old rock bands like Oasis but not too much hc at all. I know Walid listens to a bunch of old school gangster rap and our bassist is a damn juggalo so lord knows what he’s jamming in his free time!

AFL: If you could choose a band you can play a tour together. Which band would you choose and where would you play the tour?

Honestly we’d love to tour with like Avenged Sevenfold or A Day To Remember, those two would make for a massive tour and obviously id take that package around the globe

AFL: Have you any plans to touring Europe in the next time?

I’ve done Europe multiple times with LIONHEART and god damnit I wanna go back so bad! Hopefully Early 2018 we’ll be hitting the road out there!

AFL: Here are some tags. What is your first thought about it?

  • In-N-Out Burger: overrated. would rather eat a kabob
  • Straight Edge: I smoke too many cigarettes to comment on this
  • Soccer / Football: I literally only watch hockey so, GO BLACKHAWKS
  • Punk-Rock: is forever.
  • Vinyl: Records are cool, you should pick ours up from BDHW.

AFL: Thank you for the interview! Have you any last words or something to add?

Thanks for interviewing me and taking interest in my band! Cheers!


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