The Good The Bad and The Zugly (Photo by Daniel Pedersen-Punk Rock Photo)
The Good The Bad and The Zugly (Photo by Daniel Pedersen-Punk Rock Photo)

The Good The Bad And The Zugly released their fourth album Algorithm & Blues on Fysisk Format in January 2020. We had a small chat with drummer Magne about the new record, Corona and streaming services à la Spotify.

After nearly 10 years and a bunch of releases you have a big fanbase in Europe. With your new album „Algorithm & Blues“ you reached a lot of new people. Please describe your band with five words!

Eirik, Kim, Ivar, Magne & Zugly.

With Ivar you have a very busy singer. TGTBATZ, Happy Dagger and now also involved in Kvelertak. There are only 25 months between your current album and it´s predecessor. What is your secret?

In the 60’s bands put out two records per year, so I’m not sure it’s that impressive haha. But kidding aside. Eirik deserves most of the credit since he’s the one making ninety percent of the songs. I really don’t know where he takes it from.

The songs on the new record deal with many different topics. „The Kids Are Alt-Right“ apparently addresses the Fridays For Future-Movement. But your lyrics are not printed again. What’s the reason?

It’s pretty much been a rule since we started that we’d never print the lyrics and that people had to figure it out for themselves. That can lead to many misinterperetations and misunderstandings that we find genuinely funny. We don’t wanna be understood, we want to be misunderstood!! (Btw we don’t even know what the Fridays etc. movement is…)

You are known for your energetic live shows. Lately you played big shows, like the Rockefeller in Oslo … and also small clubshows like the BiNuu in Berlin in january. What do you prefer?

I think they’re equally fun. We play the same set and mostly in the same way, but on the bigger stages we have bigger budgets and can do something extra with lighting and stuff. On the other hand the small venues gets us closer to the audience and it gets even sweatier and more energic.

You currently considered as one of the most exciting punk bands Norway has to offer. Furthermore, you are often mentioned in one sentence with Turbonegro. On their last album „RockNRoll Machine“, they broke new musical ground. When can we expect the big change in the music of TGTBATZ?

I don’t think we’re gonna stray too far from the formula that’s worked out pretty well this far. But if we ever get to our tenth album things may have changed. You never know.

Vinyl is celebrating a big revival … on the other hand online streaming has a big impact today. What do you think about Spotify and Co.?

We haven’t toured that much outside of Norway, and never been outside of Europe so streaming has been a big help in spreading our music to other parts of the world I think. Even though we love selling records. They look good in your house. Thanks to our creative department, the one and only Flu fucking Hartberg.

Johnny Rotten sympathizes with Donald Trump. Ramones-Shirts serve as fashion accessories in the pedestrian zone. Many venues have been closed and rap seems to be the only rebellious youth culture today.

Some might say „punk is dead“. What do you think about that?

We’re not really that punk. Most of us have steady, boring nine-to-five jobs. And we don’t really have opinions. It’s all an act. Seriously, we live in Norway. What do we have to complain about? We’re like Europe’s Canada. Except tiny.

Three fast questions:

Recording a record or being on tour. What do you prefer?

Both! Very different, but almost equally exiting. You never know what’s about to happen around the next corner…

Having a drink with Keith Richards or playing a song with IgPop?

Both! Or even better: Everything at the same time!

The best song that has ever been written?

I’ll side with Zugly and answer Free Bird.

2020 will go down in history as the Coronayear. How do you experience the crisis? Do you think we can get something positive out of this situation?

We had just finished our norwegian tour, so we weren’t that directly impacted in the beginning. Ivar and Kvelertak had to cancel their european tour in the middle. That must have sucked. We did lose our summer festivals though. That’s a huge bummer… As to this situation we’re in I think if people wash their hands a bit more often, that can’t hurt. It’s a big step for mankind.

I know it’s more than difficult to say but … what’s the future plans for TGTBATZ? Can we expect more live dates in Germany when the crisis is solved?

We’d love to do more shows in Germany! Of course!

Alright, final question. What are you listening to? Who do you think needs to be highlighted that isn´t getting the attention that they should?

c o m b o s, a new Norwegian band from Trondheim. They’re pretty cool, and played with us at Rockefeller. As did OKKULTOKRATI. They’re great! Though a bit on the heavier side. And of course The Hard-Ons from Australia. We’re hoping to do some shows with them in Europe next year, and also talking about releasing a split 7″.

I think we did it. I really appreciate you taking the time. Is there anything you’d like the readers to know before I let you go? Any last words or pieces of advice?

Be safe and support local venues, bands and communities! And also drink beer, feel fine!


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