AFL: Hey, how are you? Firstly thanks for taking time for the interview. You will release on 17th November your long-awaited third full-length BAD TO MY WORLD with ten brand-new songs. How distinguish BAD TO MY WORLD from LOST IN LIFE (2014) and DARKER HALF (2011) in your opinion? Are there any differences in the writing process, sound and so on?

Ricky Singh: This time around the writing process differed in a few ways.  One being that we all live in seperate locations throughout the US between NYC, Long Island, Jersey Shore, and Los Angeles.  This isn’t a huge issue though as we do a lot of demoing and pre-production by recording demos on programs like Garageband and fine-tuning them over a long period of time to get them where they need to be.  The other way it differed was the addition of 2 new members to Backtrack since our last LP, Danny Smith on Bass and Steve DiGenio on Drums.  They added some cool ideas and their own style to the record which had a cool result on the finished product.  Musically the record sounds like a Backtrack record and is very much a New York Hardcore LP.

AFL: The album artwork for BAD TO MY WORLD is the typical BACKTRACK style in my opinion. Are all three album covers of BACKTRACK from the same person? Who is responsible for your artwork and how came the idea of the style?

Ricky Singh: All of our album covers have been done by Spoiler.  He’s always had a style that we thought was cool and felt fit the vibe of what we believe Backtrack to be.  He’s always been incredibly easy to work with and understands what we are going for.  I like the idea of continuity in our visuals and I feel that Spoiler plays a big part in that.

AFL: What were are musically and lyrically influences on BAD TO MY WORLD? Which lyrics you’re thread?

Ricky Singh: Lyrically I can’t speak too much on what influences Vitalo, but musically we are influenced by many different things.  The New York Hardcore sound has always been the major influnece in our sound but there are always bits and pieces that drive us to create music in all types of genres of music.

AFL: Can you say us some more about the recording process of BAD TO MY WORLD. I read Nick Jett, the drummer of TERROR, have produced the new full-length.

Ricky Singh: Nick Jett has produced all of our LP’s so far and again on this one.  The process usually starts with the band writing demos and sending them to Nick and bouncing ideas off of each other back & forth.  We will do some writing and pre-production sessions with everyone to feel things out and then start doing some live-demoing with vocals.  Then once we feel the songs are where they need to be we hit the studio to lay it down.  This time around we decided to have Dean Baltulonis engineer & mix the record.  He’s helped create a ton of records that we grew up listening to and is a very talented man behind the boards.  Happy that we got a chance to do that this time around.

AFL: You were always a touring band and were quit every year on European tour (sometimes more than once). This year you will play just one European show: The Sound Of Revolution in Eindhoven on 4th November.

Question one: Is there any band you’re looking forward to play most with on The Sound Of Revolution. I mean the line-up is amazing!

Question two: Your last whole European tour was in summer 2016. You have plans for 2018 to tour Europe? If yes can you give us some more details of it?

Ricky Singh: Absolutely, we love playing Europe and this festival looks incredible.  We’ve met Martijn a long time ago playing w/ No Turning Back while we were over that and he’s always been a good friend.  We’re looking forward to this festival and hanging with our friends out there.

We definitely have plans to do some European Touring in 2018.  We are starting to gather ideas and plans right now so there isn’t anything set in stone.  But definitely expect to see Backtrack over there in 2018!

AFL: As a New York Hardcore band you can name us five bands you like most from New York? And have you some newer bands from New York which are worth to mention?

Ricky Singh: I’d say my top 5 NYHC bands would be: Agnostic Front, Madball, Breakdown, Killing Time, and some consider Bad Brains a NY band with the amount of time they spent here…so in that scenario i’d put them on here too.  As for newer bands I really like Hangman who just released a new EP, Regulate, and Jukai.  All cool bands with their own unique sound repping Long Island.

AFL: Have you saw the movie/documentary THE NEW YORK HARDCORE CHRONICLES by Drew Stone? If yes, how do you like it?

Ricky Singh: Chris from B9 hooked me up with a copy of it not too long ago.  I had tickets to the premiere but got a flat-tire on the way which sucked bad.  I did really enjoy it thought as I like hearing some of the fore-fathers of the scene talk about their experiences growing up in NY and I love hearing about the history of it all.  It’s important to me to understand the roots of the music and where it all comes from.

AFL: Here are some tags. What is your first thought about it?

  • CBGB: Legendary venue.
  • Nike Air Max: 90’s reign supreme
  • Soccer / Football: Brazil
  • Punk-Rock: “Never trust a hardcore kid that has not listened to punk-rock” – Roger Miret
  • Vinyl: Flatspot Records
  • Straight Edge: Respect

AFL: Thank you for the interview! Have you any last words or something to add?

Ricky Singh: Pick up BAD TO MY WORLD on November 17th on Bridge 9 Records.  Check out the new Hangman EP “A Vile Decree” too.


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