Acidez are one of the best street punk bands in the world. Long mohawks, studded jackets is for the band not just fashion…it’s a way of life! Here an interview with the band about punk in Mexico, their future plans and their Euro tour last year.

AFL: Hey guys how are you? You’re one of the few punk bands from Mexico that I know. How is the punk rock scene in Mexico? I love to watch The Casualties Documentary from 2004 in Mexico and it seems that there was a cool and big scene at this time. How is it 2015?
Acidez: There’s a lot of Punx in Mexico City (Capital of Mexico) and surrounding area, a very big scene in there. Great shows with a lot of people, but almost only national bands, they hardly know bands from other countries, only the biggest ones, it’s difficult to bring new cool bands to Mexico for that reason. In our city the scene it’s not so big, but we are trying to keep it alive!
AFL: What means punk rock to you? Means punk to you making music or is it more? And goes punk rock and hardcore hand in hand for you?
Acidez: Yeah it’s a lot more than only music, you may already heard the phrase that it’s a way of life, we think it’s true, it’s not a phase or a fashion, you take it for life. It’s for life; you can open your eyes to reality, to the social problems, to bad politics. Know people with similar ideas and make it bigger, make music, art, a lot of things without supporting big corporations, because the Punk was born for that, to prove that we can make things by ourselves.
And yeah, we like the mix of Hardcore and Punk Rock, faster and louder music. We define our style something like that, Hardcore Punk!
AFL: What are your influences and how would you describe you music? I would guess The Casualties. You remind me a lot on them!
Acidez: Like in the last question, we describe our music like fast and loud Hardcore Punk, we got a lot of influences, Early 80’s UK Punk, 90’s US Punkcore, Thrash, Rock ‚N‘ Roll, and for sure, The Casualties is a great band and it’s one of our influences.
AFL: You release last year the album „Beer Drinkers Survivors”. Do you work on you music and want to release a new record the next month?
Acidez: Actually we are getting ready to record new songs for the new album, i think it’s going to be ready at the beginning of the next year.
AFL: Last year you visit Europe for first time. How was the tour in hindsight? What were the highlights of the tour? And things were bad?
Acidez: Everything was OK! Maybe we disagree little with the driver of the van a little because we wanted to party everyday, and visit cool places than the venues, but i think he should be more patient. But we like a lot the Europe Punk Scene, we can share stage with great bands and new cool bands, we make a lot of friends, we visit and also slept in awesome squats, and drink a lot of beer everyday!, we love Europe and we are glad to our again in there.
AFL: What is in your opinion the difference between Mexico and Europe punk rock?
Acidez: I like the way that the people in Europe organize to make things, the life in squats was something new and amazing to us. The scene is not divided by styles or music genres, I feel there is a great musical culture, they support bands even if they don’t know them, you can make a tour with a new band and the people go to the shows even in Monday, is something that is missing in Mexico, I think we need to keep growing up to get to that kind of unity and organization.
AFL: Have you plans to come back to Europe?
Acidez: Yeah, we are now booking dates for the next year, on April, we are very excited to come back!
AFL: If you could choose with which band you can go on tour which band would you choose and why?
Acidez: Actually we miss a great tour in the US with The Casualties, Sniper 66 and The Bad Engrish, i think it would be great to tour with them because they are great people and we like their music, and we had the opportunity to share stage with our brothers for Total Chaos many times, i think they are a great band to tour with.
AFL: What future plans do you have with Acidez?
Acidez: I think keep touring and making music, We want to tour US but it’s very difficult to get the papers to enter in the country, but we still are looking for ways to do it, but also a south American tour will be great, and we want to go to South East Asia, we have seen that there is a great scene. Keep sharing our ideas.
AFL: What are your all-time favorite bands and what newer bands you like?
Acidez: We share our music taste with bands like The Exploited, G.B.H., Discharge, Motörhead, Broken Bones, and other more new like Damage Case, Action, The Casualties. There is a lot of bands of our generation like Breakout, City Rats, Overcharge, Sniper 66, The Bad Engrish, Pestpocken, Complot Soviet, Boy, to name a few but it’s a very long list of bands!
AFL: Have you steady jobs or is Acidez a full-time job? And what are you doing in your free time?
Acidez: We got some jobs, Tupa works in a call center of a TV cable service, Soti has a beer store, Näuj is an illustrator and graphic designer, and Rodo sometimes works wearing a costume, like a mascot, in the streets.
AFL: Thanks for taking time! Have you any last words?
Acidez: Thank you for the space! Drink Beer, hate the rules and stay punk! Cheers!