MY TURN is a hardcore ban of Volos, Greece, which foune 2010. On 19th August they will release finally their current full-length My Turn on vinyl and tape. Their current full length My Turn was originally released for two years and will be finally out on vinyl an tape on 19th August. We were able to talk to My Turn singer Apo about the new release and hc-punk in Greece.

AFL: Hey guys. Thanks that you find time. Could you briefly fancy?

Apo: Thanks for being interested Simon! We are following Away From Life and you are doing a great work, so the pleasure is on us!

AFL: There are so many types of music…why the hell hardcore? J What does hardcore mean to you?

Apo: We decided to play hardcore / punk first and foremost because it’s the music style we mostly like, so why the hell play something else?! Hardcore is more than music, blah blah blah… Obviously, you heard / read this so many times, so let’s just say that hardcore is definitely the perfect outlet for all our emotions & creativity. And we really dig that it’s not just music, believe me!

AFL: Your album „My Turn“ can be listened to since two years. Tell us about the process until the label-release in August by Backbite Records?

Apo: Yeap, it was recorded 2 years ago but due to the band being inactive for some time, we decided to release it now. Backbite Records from Germany and Epidemic Records from Italy, along with our singer’s World’s Appreciated Kitsch Records is taking care of the vinyl release, while Mustard Mustache is doing a limited edition of tapes! Expect everything to be out by 19th August, even though the album will be available in all digital platforms in a few days; so keep an eye on it.

AFL: The album is going to be released on 3 labels, in 3 countries, limited at 300 pieces. Is this a hidden message?

Apo: Hahahaha, no, no way! We never noticed this, interesting! 333 is the half of 666; let’s pretend to be half satanists then, hahahaha!

AFL: I like your album very much. It reminds me on the NYHC-style. Am I wrong or are you deeply inspired by NYHC?

Apo: Definitely! We love the early NYHC scene and bands like Warzone, Cro-Mags, Madball, Agnostic Front, Sick Of It All, Breakdown etc. I mean, who doesn’t love them?! On the other hand, we are influenced by the Boston hardcore scene, too, and of course 90s punk rock!

AFL: Can you tell us something about the meaning of the songs?

Apo: Our lyrics deal with everything surrounding our everyday lives, be it either personal relationships and the struggle to survive in a society fueled with the crisis or the hardcore scene / movement in all its aspects.

AFL: In the last interview you told us that the Greece scene “once has been been better”. Is there a change meanwhile?

Apo: Nope, everything is slowly falling apart… Except of our will to survive and fight for the best, they will never take this away from us.

AFL: Are there Greek bands you deeply want to advise to us?

Apo: Every time we do this, the bands we forget to or just do not mention are mad at us, so we will just write down our ex members and our current members’s other bands. Defrosted, Against All Odds, 10 To Go, Oldschool Rednex, Bandage, Sons Of Hogs, Noir and Mr. Pulse. Check out our show posters and you’ll find more. There’s a bunch of great bands active in Greece right now, varying from ska and rock ’n‘ roll to metallic hardcore. When it comes to hardcore we miss that old school vibe, though.

AFL: You guys are from Thessaloniki. Can you tell us locations where you spend your time?

Apo: 3/4 are from Volos and 1/4 studies here too. Volos is a beautiful city located in the middle of Greece, and it’s both by the sea and the Pelion mountain. You can check out our latest video for the song ‚Shield‘; it was shot in Volos and includes most of the places we spend our daily lives!

AFL: Have you already planned shows in Germany within the next time?

Apo: Not yet, we plan a euro tour including, of course, Germany. We are still working on the dates, though. Anyone wants to book a show for us, feel free to get in touch at

AFL: Do you have a crazy tourstory for us?

Apo: Too many too mention, even though lately our shows / tours are going smoother than the past.

AFL: Thank you so much for the interview. Is there anything left you want to tell us?

Apo: Thanks again mate, hope to see you soon! All the best with AFL!

Interview by Benne


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2015 als Solo-Projekt gestartet, ist AWAY FROM LIFE heute ein Team aus knapp 20 Freunden, die unterschiedlicher kaum sein könnten, jedoch durch mindestens diese eine Sache vereint sind: Der Leidenschaft für Hardcore-Punk. Diese Subkultur ist für uns kein Trend, sondern eine tiefverwurzelte Lebenseinstellung, etwas, das uns seit Jahren immer und überall begleitet. Hardcore-Punk bedeutet für uns, sich selbst zu entfalten. Dabei ist D.I.Y. für uns nicht nur eine Phrase: Wir probieren Sachen aus, lernen neues dazu und entwickeln uns weiter. Von der Szene für die Szene. Gerade deshalb hat es für uns oberste Prämisse, Personen aus dieser Subkultur zu supporten, die denken wie wir. Sei es Veranstalter, Labels oder Bands, unabhängig ihres Bekanntheitsgrad. Egal ob Hardcore-Kid, Punk, Skinhead oder sonst wer. Wir sind Individuen, einer großen Unity, die völlig zeitlos und ortsunabhängig existiert. AWAY FROM LIFE ist für uns ein Instrument diese Werte zu manifestieren und unser Verständnis für Hardcore-Punk auszuleben. Angefangen als reines Magazin, haben wir über die Jahre unser eigenes Festival, das Stäbruch, etabliert oder jüngst mit Streets auch eine Szeneplattform ins Leben gerufen, die für uns alle genutzt werden kann – genutzt für eine Sache, die uns verdammt wichtig ist: Hardcore-Punk!

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