Interview with NO FUN AT ALL


AFL: Congratulation on your new album, and welcome back to Schweinfurt.

Ingemar: Oh thanks very much.

AFL: You have played here at the Stattbahnhof before.

Ingemar: Yeh Yeh , several times in fact.

AFL: Your new album is titled “Grit”, there are lots of different meanings for the word grit. What does it mean to you and why did you choose that word?

Ingemar: We chose that word because it’s easy to say.

Stefan: Easy to remember.

Ingemar: No, we choose that word because it’s a combination. It’s because of persistence; we are trying to keep this thing, No Fun At All, going. I think that we are very persistent guys. We want this to work. With the new cover we came up with the word Grit as in sand and or dust. It just fit in really well I think.

AFL: Grit is the title of your new studio album, the first one in about the last ten years. In previous interviews you have described the reason for the lack of a new album in recent years as being due to you finding it depressing to be in the studio. Can we assume that depression time is over and is that the real reason?

Ingemar: I think that we were misinterpreted. We did have a tough time in the studio many times. I can tell you that it was not a joy to go into the studio. Why we haven’t done it for ten years is more of a practical issue. When we had he old lineup there was just too much stuff going on with families and kids and other things. We could not put the time in to NFAA. Then two of our members left pretty much as a result of the decision to make a new album. Mick and Kjell decided to go forward with a new album and Steven and Chris said OK, it’s time for us to step back and leave the band. Kjell was thinking about it for several months and I gave it lots of thought. Because if we are going to record a new album with NFAA and give it one more shot, then we have to be all in and take as many shows as possible. Go out and tour the world once more. Stefan and Fredrick are our new musicians, they are brilliant and a great addition to the band.

AFL: During your career you have been, at least in recent years a DIY band, are you still totally DIY?

Ingemar/ Stefan: laughing No, no, no. laughing no. the meaning is still there – but!

Stefan: No one dares to rip you off now.

Ingemar: From 2004 until 2016 we were a hobo band. Everyone had other jobs. This was something we did because we could. Because we were an international traveling band from the 90’s. People were calling us up from South America and Australia saying hey you have to come here. We were like yeh we could do like five shows.or a few festivals in Europe . If you’re only doing maybe 15 shows a year it’s easy to be a DIY band and manage that yourself, without the booking agent or whatever.If you’re going to plan whole European Tours and stuff it’s like too much. We are not booked by Destiny Tour Booking and we have an American Record company.

AFL: Your new album “Grit.“ In my opinion is a full of fast in your face songs true Punk Rock. Do you have a certain message that you want to put out with it?

Ingemar: Nah we never done like that. the songs just happen. We didn’t really plan it that way. The songs just grow up, they become what they are. And suddenly the the album is like „Oh Yeh!“ The songs on the album come from all the hours of rehearsals. I sit at home and write the Lyrics and step by step it turned into the finished product. Suddenly the album is done.

Stefan: I think it’s a very stressful process, mentally at least.

Ingemar: Yah it is.

Stefan: Actually I felt that the studio time was a relief this time around. Normally i’m in the studio and under pressure to get things done.

Ingemar: True, it was the first time that we recorded with Mathias from Millencolin and in a new studio. Actually his old studio, but new for us. We recorded all our other albums in another studio.

AFL: Last year you made a lineup change in the band. You’ve added Fredrick Eriksson ( Twopointeight, Fas 3) on guitar and bassist Stefan Bratt ( Atlas losing Grip). What’s story behind the lineup change and new member selection? Did you record the new album with this lineup?

Ingemar: Well, we have toured with Atlas Losing Grip a few times. We knew that Stefan was a really good bass guitar player. So he was actually our first choice, we didn’t think of anyone else. If we are going to get a new bassist we are going to get a real Bassist for the first time tin the band’s history. We had people who could play bass but weren’t Bassists.

AFL: At one point weren’t you switching between bass and guitar inside the band?

Ingemar: Yes

Stefan: True, but over time I came to realize that in the beginning I was a guitar player forced to play bass. Now I have developed into a bassist.

Ingemar: So, yes we asked Stefan to play and he had to think about it for a few days. But thankfully he said yes.

Stefan: Yes, I had to think about it for a few days. I knew that I would have to commit and be all in. I did not want to do it half way, so I said yes.

AFL: Tell us a little about your writing and recording process. What role did the new members play in the writing and recording? Did you work solely with Mathias Färm from Millencolin’s, and where did you record the album?

Ingemar: In the arranging and recording we recorded with the current line-up.

Stefan: With the arangment, yes

Ingemar: Mick pretty much writes all the songs.

Stefan: Fredrick did write some guitar riffs.

Ingemar: But it’s mostly Mick. And it has been like that since the begining.

AFL: Ingemar, do you write all the lyrics?

Ingemar: This time I thought I would let someone else share in that responsibility. Lyrics to one song are by Fredrick and another by Mick.

Stefan: We only worked with Mathias in the studio, it was recorded at Sound Lab Studios, and mastered in Berlin by Don Swanö.

Ingemar: He recorded all of Millencolin’s old stuff.

Stefan: He also played in the band Edge of Sanity.

Ingemar: Also a guy from the band from an old Swedish band called Norrsken wrote some guitar licks. Then so much happens in the rehearsal studios. We put a lot of time in the rehearsal studio before we go into the recording studio. And a lot of things happen there. Recording was only Mathias, he also produced a bit.

AFL: What made you choose to release with Bird Attack Records?

Stefan: I think that these days it’s important to have someone in the record industry who really cares, about releasing albums and cares about the bands. Otherwise you might just become one band out of many. Where the label puts their focus on the big names. to have a small label who works and cares for you then , do it.

Ingemar: We met Garet when we played PRH and he seemed to be a really dedicated and fun guy. So we said „what the hell“ thinking he could probably do a good job for us.

AFL: A lot of older bands have , or will release new music this year. Do you see a resurgence in the Punk scene, and is there a big difference from country to country?

Ingemar: Yes, it seems like that. Ourselves and other bands, are putting out new music and I think it has been well received. Its easy to tour. We are doing good with the tour and everything. It seems that there is a whole new generation of kids who are into this kind of music.

Stefan: The whole 90’s thing is going retro, the clothing, the style, everything. Everything comes back sooner or later.

AFL: Which country has the best scene.

Stefan: Thats hard to answer.

Ingemar: It’s hard to say.

Stefan: Canada.

Ingemar/Stefan: Sweden.

Ingemar: Germany, I mean there is a solid base there, with lots of people. It seems to me that the people of Germany are really true to what music they like. In Sweden the people are flaky, they like one thing one year and something else the next. In Germany it’s stable, it’s like I like Punk Rock and I’m going to listen to that, and it’s ok. Then you got the metalheads. The first time I came to Germany I was amazed. I saw all there people dressed as metalheads, with back patches and everything. At that time in Sweden there were none. I think that Germany is safe for us to come and play, people will come to the shows. But then its really fun to go to Australia or South America they do good shows. But I won’t put anyone in front of another.

AFL: Your spring tour is coming to an end, with just 3 more dates. How has the tour gone so far.

Ingemar: Its gone really good, I think.

AFL: Not being the youngest guy on tour, do you do anything particular to keep vocals in shape?

Ingemar: No, well I stoped smoking. I actually i put ginger and honey in hot water, tee stuff like that. I don’t do vocal training or stuff like that. I never had a lesson in my life, just go up there and sing. I could probably sing much better if I had some schooling.

AFL: In your opinion what have been the biggest changes (differences) from your begging of your music career till today?

Ingemar: Well has it really changed that much? From lets say 94, when we started out we came in on a wave with bands like Green Day, Offspring and Pennywise were all very popular. I don’t think that ordinary kids listen to this music now or then. Maybe Offspring and Green Day their carriers took off and they are up there. But I’m not sure if they are considered Punk bands anymore. The kids who listen to No Fun At All now are the same kind of kids who listened to us in the beginning.

Stefan: I think its not mainstream.

Ingemar: I think a big difference is social media . We did not have the internet in the beginning. It was there but we didn’t have it. I think Punk Rock is more accepted today. In ´94 you didn’t have tattoos on people. Today in Sweden every one has them. And the style of your clothes or hair won’t keep you from getting a job today.

AFL: Has there been a change in the music industry since ´94? Especially how bands are treated and marketed?

Ingemar: I think It’s gotten worse. I’m not sure. In the past there was always a screening of bands. In the industry many record labels died, like Burning Heart and Bad Taste. Its difficult to say. I don’t know about major labels because I’ve never been in contact with them.

AFL: In the ´90’s weren’t you with Revelation Records? How did that come about?

Ingemar: That was just a licensing deal for the U.S.A distribution and sales. That didn’t work out so well.

Stefan: In my opinion, someone who is going to work with you and make money off of you, is going to take advantage of you. These days you don’t sell a lot of albums. So there has to be other ways to earn money. The risk of getting fucked is bigger.

AFL: in recent years you haven’t really been touring, is that going to change with the new album? Are you going to be a full time band?

Ingemar: Sort of.

Stefan: Well, we don’t all live in the same place. So a classic togetherness is difficult.

Ingemar: the plan is to do as much shows as we can get.

Stefan: We have plenty coming up, it just hasn’t been announced yet

AFL: Ingemar being older than most, how do you relate to the youth of today?

Ingemar: I don’t feel any different today as then. I don’t talk any different to the kids today. The only thing older is my body. It isn’t as good as it was 20 years ago, it hurts a lot more.

Stefan: Not even my body is as good as it was 20 years ago.

Everyone: Laughing…

Ingemar: Mentally, I think that I love doing this so much. I love going out and talking to people at shows. To see their excitement, when they come up to me hug me and tell me „It was so good tonight.“ Im like yeh this is what I want to do. It doesn’t really matter how old you are.

AFL: Any last words?

Ingemar: Keep supporting.

Stefan: Keep going to shows and buying music. Support the bands. And have a good time. Laugh at Life.

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