Interview with Mark of FIRE & ICE


A small venue, with a 100 person capacity and nearly sold out. The atmosphere relatively relaxed. The place with its low barrier free stage and low prices at the bar. Not to mention the chill out park outside, making for a homier family feeling the show starts off with Stolen Mind an up and coming local band. Then came Ashes followed by Lost Souls who played an intense but short set. Then came Risk It with their hard hitting bring the ruckus, get the pit moving set. The night caped off by Fire & Ice, who just kept the place moving and turning it up a notch or two. We were able to catch up with Fire & Ice bassist Mark to talk about the European tour, the new 7″, and the upcoming LP. Continue reading for the gritty details and complete interview.

Interview with Fire & Ice bassist Mark in Nuremberg

Mark of Fire & Ice.

AFL: You’re in the final half of your European tour has it been like this every night?

M: It has not unfortunately been as crazy as this night haha. We love Nuremburg and it was good to be back after a long six years. But there have been good sized crowds at least at our shows over here. I’m completely ok with it though. As long as people like what they are hearing and seeing they don’t need to be going wild.

AFL: You haven’t put out new material in a while. What is the reason for the wait?

M: Well to be fair, we took a little hiatus catching up with life and stuff, and right before we did that we had almost finished writing a LP. Then when we came back last year and decided to do the LP we didn’t like what we had written before haha. So we re-wrote most of it and added some new stuff also. Been a long time coming but I promise we have done our best to make it worth the wait.

AFL: Tonight you played new stuff including Frequency off the new 7″. How has the response been from the crowd so far?

M: It has been interesting playing new material for the first time in five years. Since the song „Stay Tuned“ is like a chill and relaxed instrumental, people don’t know how to react to it but it’s gone over well and the crowd seems to groove with it. And playing „Frequency“ seems to have turned some heads and get the floor moving so it’s cool!

Fire & Ice and Gregor of Risk It!

AFL: It’s been made public that the band plans on recording a new album starting in August. Can you tell us some details about it? Where you are recording, who’s producer, engineer and record label?

M: We have scheduled time to record with Dean Baltulonis who recorded our last LP Not Of This Earth. He is going to be engineering the whole thing by himself with no producer this go around and we are putting it out with our buddies Ricky and Che with their label Flatspot Records.

AFL: you played as a 4 piece, I thought that normally you are a quintet. Has there been a lineup change?

M: No line-up change thank god. Our other guitarist Asian Matt who also plays in DTN and Dead And Dreaming has toured quite a bit this year and unfortunately couldn’t come over with us.

AFL: Did your sound check to Bad Brains riffs and during the show you did riffs from other bands, in your own style as a kind of lead in to your own songs. Can you tell us the reasoning behind that?

M: We really like playing little tid bits of covers to make the set fun and express our vibe to the fullest. We like to show people that we don’t just like hardcore too so we will jam out some groovy other things as well. It sets the tone for how we are as musicians.

AFL: You will be playing the BLACK’N’BLUE BOWL in NYC in a couple of weeks. How important is it for you to be included on the bill?

M: We have made some close friends up in New York over the last decade. Some of which put on that festival and fortunately we were asked to play again this year. We are super thankful and very excited to be a part of history yet again in NYC. We were able to play a few years ago for the first Judge reunion as well and that was amazing. We can’t wait.

AFL: Can we expect to see a European tour to support the upcoming album as early as the Fall of this year?

M: Absolutely. I’m in talks with some people about coming over for something special next year. Guess you’ll have to wait and see!

AFL: Any last words?

M: Thank you very much for reaching out to us to do this interview! Hope to run into you at another show in the near future, my friend. Take care and be safe! Hardcore rules!!


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QuellePhotos by Michelle Olaya
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YO WHAT'S UP! Mein Name ist Franz, aka Toeone aka Toe aka Der Ami, aka Hey Alter! Ich wurde in Brooklyn (USA) geberen und höre Hardcore & Punk-Rock seit den 70ern. Ich bin Familienvater, Musiker und Sportler. In meiner Freizeit stehe ich auf Reisen, botanische Gärten, Tierparks, Kunst, Technik und historische Museen. Bei AWAY FROM LIFE bIn ich Allrounder; der Mann für Rat und Tat. Ich helfe beim übersetzten vons englische ins deutsche & umgekrht, führe nterviews, schreibe Reviews, filme Videos und helfe beim Bandscouting PMA!

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