HC History The Beginning Of Everything: #6 with Craig Holloway (COLD AS LIFE)

Interview with Cold AS Life bass player Craig Holloway about his hardcore-punk roots. Cold As Life will release their new single Suffer via Demons...

HC History The Beginning Of Everything: #13 with CROWNED KINGS

HC-History with Jason of Crowned Kings Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today? The first...
Get The Shot Photo by Jérémie LeBlond-Fontaine

HC History The Beginning Of Everything: #7 with Dan Fisher Roberge (Get The Shot)

We we're able to talk with Get The Shot bassist Dan Fisher Roberge about his hardcore-punk history. You can find our whole interview with...

Photo Report to the ENDLESS SUMMER 2016

Last weekend 11-12 and 13 August was the 19th edition of ENDLESS SUMMER FESTIVAL in Torgau. Thanks to the festival’s promoter, we got the...

ENDLESS SUMMER 2017 photo report

Last 10th, 11th and 12th August ENDLESS SUMMER festival celebrated their 20th Anniversary with a line-up charged with powerful bands for all those hc,...

Blue Collar Special – Jerk’s Jukebox #20

Band: Blue Collar Special Genre: Punk Rock Country: USA State: dissolve (?) With Blue Collar Special from Hollywood we have a further band that steals their name. This...
Support Our Scene Fest 2017

Report to the SUPPORT OUR SCENE FEST 2017

Support Our Scene Fest 2017 https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=yviI_pTl5FE You would like to visit a small Festival in a foreign country? In Denmark maybe? I just can tell you:...

HC History – The Beginning Of Everything: #1 with Jesse Barnett (STYG, Trade Wind)

Jesse Barnett knows hardcore – that's a fact. At the age of 12 he began listening to the music and three years later he...

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