HC History with Backtrack guitarist Ricky Singh.

1Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today?

The first punk-rock show I went to was in 2000 at Cyberia in Farmingdale, NY to see MXPX.  The club isn’t open anymore and to be honest I don’t think I ever went to another show there.  Hardcore related the first mix-bill shows I saw were at Ground Zero, in Bellmore NY.

2What is your all-time favorite club or location?

Living on Long Island, there weren’t very many venues that stuck around for more then a year or two at a time unfortunately.  I do have a lot of fond memories going to see shows at a venue called the Local 7 and The Downtown both in Farmingdale NY.

3Do you remember the first hardcore / punk record you got?

Definitely, it was Punk-O-Rama 4 “Straight Outta The Pit”.  It was a huge game-changer for me and opened my mind into the world of Hardcore & Punk simultaneously.

4In your opinion what is the perfect hardcore show?

A small 100-250 cap venue that is packed with 5 great bands.  Not too tall of a stage but diveable, no egos, no bullshit, just hardcore.

5What is your all-time favorite show you’ve played?

The Darker Half Record Release show was always a cool one to look back and think about.  Times were much simpler then and LIHC was at a very high point around that time i’d say.

6Is there a show you missed in the past that still makes you angry that you could not be there?

One that was sort of recent that I was bummed about was Mobb Deep playing 2 blocks away from my apartment and then Bad Brains playing 2 blocks away the next night.  That was this summer and I was in California for work.  Around 5 or 6 days after, Prodigy from Mobb Deep passed away and he’s one of my favorites of all time.  RIP.

7What band would you like to see again?


8Is there a person who has influenced you especially in hardcore / punk?

I can’t really give you one person or anything like that who has.  There’s a lot that influences me but I can’t really pinpoint on person or thing.

9What are you top 3 hardcore-punk drummers / front men (women)?

Drummers: Mackie, Rutter, D Fang

Front Men: Freddy Madball, HR, Vogel

10What is in your opinion the most underrated hardcore-punk band?


11Are there some newer bands you could mention?


Backtrack’s new full-length Bad To My World will release on 17th November via Bridge Nine Records.


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