Photo Report to the ENDLESS SUMMER 2016

Last weekend 11-12 and 13 August was the 19th edition of ENDLESS SUMMER FESTIVAL in Torgau. Thanks to the festival’s promoter, we got the...

HC History The Beginning Of Everything: #12 with MOSCOW DEATH BRIGADE

Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today? Answered by Boltcutter Vlad That was some punk/metal...

HC History The Beginning Of Everything: #13 with CROWNED KINGS

HC-History with Jason of Crowned Kings Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today? The first...

„No Hypocrisy – Staying True“ with Freddy Cricien of MADBALL (HC-Punk-Attitude #1)

„Staying true“ is a typical value in HC-Punk. There are many songs covering that topic. (If you think of one now, feel free to...

HC History The Beginning Of Everything: #8 with Chris Barker (Anti-Flag)

Anti-Flag will release their brand new full-length American Fall on 3rd November 2017. We were able to talk to Anti-Flag bassist / singer Chris...

HC History The Beginning Of Everything: #9 with Ricky Singh (Backtrack)

HC History with Backtrack guitarist Ricky Singh. Do you remember the first hardcore / punk show you went to? Is the club still open today? The first...

„This was THE SOUND OF REVOLUTION 2016!“ – The hardcore party of the year.

On Saturday the 19th of November in Eindhoven Netherlands, was the hardcore party of the Year. A full house, over 3600 people from all...

ENDLESS SUMMER 2017 photo report

Last 10th, 11th and 12th August ENDLESS SUMMER festival celebrated their 20th Anniversary with a line-up charged with powerful bands for all those hc,...

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