DAN WEBB AND THE SPIDERS: Interview with the garage punk band

AFL: Hey Guys! How are you? Firstly thank you for taking time for an interview. Please introduce short yourself. Since when do you make...
The Good The Bad and The Zugly (Photo by Daniel Pedersen-Punk Rock Photo)


The Good The Bad And The Zugly released their fourth album Algorithm & Blues on Fysisk Format in January 2020. We had a small...

ANTI PASTI: Interview with the UK punk legend

Hey, how are you? Cool that you’re back! How does it feel to stand again on stage to play shows? Kevin: I`m very well thanks...

RESISTORS: Interview with a one man punk rock group!

AFL: Hey Scott! How are you? Firstly thank you for taking time for an interview. Please introduce short yourself. Since when do you make...

Interview with NO FUN AT ALL

AFL: Congratulation on your new album, and welcome back to Schweinfurt. Ingemar: Oh thanks very much. AFL: You have played here at the Stattbahnhof before. Ingemar:...

TALCO: Interview with the Italy ska punk band Nr. 1

Talco just releases a further new song of their upcoming new album Silent Town which will be released on 6th November. We had the...

SATANIC SURFERS – Interview with the Swedish Punk-Rock Legend

First of all, thank you for taking the time for the interview! Magnus: Thank you! It's our pleasure These days your new album "Back From Hell"...

AGITATORS: Interview with the Moscow punx

At the one hand I’m very lucky, that it comes to an interview with my very close friends from the Moscow Punx AGITATORS. On...

Interview with Sam King of GET DEAD

AFL: You will come back to Europe and will play over 20 shows in July and August. Is there any show you’re looking forward...

Interview with A VULTURE WAKE guitarist Brandon Landelius

AFL: First of all, many thanks for taking your time for an interview with us. And respect for this great debut album. Sounds so...

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