Interview with TURNSTILE singer Brendan Yates

AFL: YO! It’s great to talk with you. You are about to release a new album at the end of the month, Titled Time...

DEAD WEIGHT: Interview with the UK metalic hardcore band

AFL: Hey Guys! How are you? Firstly thank you for taking time for an interview. Please introduce short yourself. Since when do you make...

Interview with Josh James of STICK TO YOUR GUNS.

Last November 17th STICK TO YOUR GUNS played a sold out show at Löwensaal, Nuremberg. We had the chance to interview Josh James, one...


AFL: “Boltcutter” is you first release since a longer time. Why it take so long to release something new and could you say us...

EL MONSTRO: Interview and exclusive stream of „Within“

El Monstro from Brisbane (Australia) release on 21. August there new EP "Within". AWAY FROM LIFE give an exclusive EP-Stream of the 6 song...

EASY MONEY – Interview with the HC-Beatdown band from Arizona

AFL: Hi guys, you’ve released a split with Bun Dem Out for a few days? How came the idea of the split and how...

Cold As Life – Suffer ::: Review (2017)

Cold As Life is back on the map! The legendary hardcore band from Detroit, Michigan was founded in 1988 and released their second and,...
Roger Miret in Bangock (Photo by Jörg Baumgarten)

Interview with Roger Miret of AGOSTIC FRONT (Part 2)

Finally getting to interview Roger Miret is for me a personal crowning achievement. Although by no means an easy interview. Roger Miret is one...

HC History The Beginning Of Everything: #5 with Mauro Codeluppi „MP“ (RAW POWER)

Interview with Raw Power singer Mauro about his hardcore-punk roots. Raw Power will release on 9th June their new album Inferno on Demons Run...

EXPIRE: Video interview with Zack and Josh

Interview with Zack and Josh from Expire while their tour with Terror in summer 2015. The interview was made in the Stattbahnhof Schweinfurt on...

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